July 26, 2022
Company, Events, Sustainibility,
With the introduction of the 9 Euro ticket BOXLAB Services started the first in-house sustainability cup. On 15.07.2022 was half-time and we draw a first balance.
We established the following rules as of June 1:
- Every BOXLAB team member receives the 9 Euro ticket donated by BOXLAB Services for the next 3 months. Every day, the way to the office will be entered into a table and points will be awarded based on the CO2 emissions. The 9 Euro ticket serves as motivation to switch from car to other means of transport.
- The completely CO2 neutral way to work by bicycle or by foot earns 5 points, using the 9 Euro ticket for public transport 3 points and the car one point.
- At the end of each week, the percentage of points achieved is calculated individually. This ensures that employees in home offices, for example, are not disadvantaged or at an advantage.

Our Top 3
Rank 1
Our intern Michael
with a total score of 60%.
100% use of public transportation.
Rank 2
Our logistics specialist Jürgen
with a total score of 57.4%.
A mixture of car and bike.
Rank 3
Our COO Lisa
with an overall score of 54%.
Here, too, car and bike predominate.
But the other employees also deserve our respect. Although we don’t directly compare how each individual’s score has developed compared to the previous months, the Sustainability Cup has definitely become a topic in the office. In the last week in particular, we kept looking at the overall standings in order to make up one or two places and leave the car behind once again.
„We’re excited about the small contributions we can make through our Sustainability Cup in a fun way.“ Lisa Ruffing, COO and founder, sums up. „Integrating the topic into everyday office life as a kind of gamification and thus taking sustainability even more into account in all areas of our actions is already paying off in full. We are all now even more aware of the topic and motivate each other. We see this as a long-lasting approach to thinking about sustainability holistically and developing it further.“
Currently, the first three places are even closer together than at the end of the first month. So it should be exciting whether Michael can defend his first place. We are looking forward to the second half!