
September 13, 2023


Company, Industry News, Tips & Tricks,

It Takes a Region to Raise a Startup - Rhine NeckarBOXLAB Services at Rhein Neckar: Together for the Startup Community

2023 has been and continues to be an exciting year for us at BOXLAB Services, as we were once again part of the Foundersphere „It Takes a City/Region to Raise a Startup“ campaign. While this was not our first foray into this exciting initiative (we were part of it back in 2022), there were some exciting developments this year that we would like to share with you.


Chemovator and TZL: Our home, our strength

As a start-up from the Rhine-Neckar region, we firmly believe that our success is inextricably linked to our community. And in this respect, we are very fortunate. Our region is home to two impressive startup hubs: the Chemovator and the Ludwigshafen Technology Center (TZL). These two innovation centers play a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in our region.


Chemovator, an incubator at the heart of the Rhine-Neckar chemical cluster, offers start-ups in the chemical industry a unique platform for growth and development. Here we have gained access to first-class resources and support that have helped us to implement our ideas. Our products, such as our environmentally friendly packaging solutions, have their roots here and are constantly being improved through the strong network and expertise at Chemovator.


Technologiezentrum Ludwigshafen (TZL)

The Technology Center Ludwigshafen (TZL), in turn, has not only provided us with office space and infrastructure, but has also given us access to a diverse network of companies and experts in our industry. These partnerships have enabled us to further expand our business and make valuable connections. Our involvement in the Foundersphere campaign has allowed us to focus on the strengths of these partnerships.



Foundersphere: A strong network

Our participation in the Foundersphere campaign this year has once again given us the opportunity to communicate our message to the right target groups. We were able to increase our visibility and reach, which is invaluable for a growing start-up. Products such as our innovative labels, tools and packaging solutions thus found even more interested parties and supporters.

Image source:
Rhein-Neckar-Collage & Logo:
© foundersphere /

We have also gained access to a network of influential partners, companies and experts. This network provides us with valuable opportunities for collaboration, mentoring and growth. It is inspiring to be part of a dedicated community of like-minded founders who support each other, share ideas and break new ground together.

Exclusive benefits and the future

We are excited to launch Foundersphere’s special program that will give us access to exclusive benefits, events and perks at partner companies. This will be a great way to further strengthen our startup and our innovative products and drive our growth.

While we look back on the year 2023, we are also excited about the future. We are determined to continue our involvement in the Foundersphere campaign and continue to make our contribution to the thriving startup scene in the Rhine-Neckar region. We look forward to meeting even more inspiring people and innovative ideas.

Finally, we would like to thank you, our valued community. Without your support and commitment, our participation in the Foundersphere campaign would not have been possible. We look forward to the challenges and successes that 2023 will bring.

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Our philosophy

At BOXLAB Services, quality, service and customer satisfaction are our top priorities. Despite the economic challenges of inflation, we want to offer our customers high quality dangerous goods labels such as hazard labels at attractive prices. Visit our website to discover new pricing and take advantage of expanded ordering options. We are proud to continue providing you with first-class products and outstanding customer service.