
Oktober 8, 2024


Industry News, Products, Tips & Tricks,

Fact sheet for chemicals in online retail: What you need to consider in 2025

With growing regulations surrounding the shipping of chemicals and hazardous substances, it will be crucial for online retailers to stay up to date in 2025 remain. Whether it’s cleaning products, chemicals or electronic devices such as e-cigarettes, the correct labels play a central role in complying with legal requirements and ensuring safety.
One of the most important issues for online chemical trading is the correct labeling of products that contain hazardous substances. This is not just about pure chemicals, but also about devices such as e-cigarettes and their associated liquids, which carry specific hazard classifications depending on the ingredients can. These can be flammable, irritating or otherwise dangerous and are subject to labeling requirements depending on the introduction.

Lithium-ion batteries:

New labeling requirements since 2023

With the entry into force of ADR 2023 the regulations for labeling lithium-ion batteries were simplified and standardized. Particularly noteworthy is the removal of the obligation to provide a telephone number on the labels. This brings not only a simplification in design but also cost savings. According to the fact sheet, this means companies no longer have to provide individual telephone numbers, reducing production costs and making products easier to handle. Despite this, many companies continue to use the outdated markings, which are 120×110 mm and contain a telephone number.

Another important change concerns the size of the marking: Since 2023, the minimum size of the marking for lithium batteries has been set at 100×100 mm. This standardization harmonizes battery labeling with other hazard labels and simplifies storage and purchasing. Many companies have not yet switched to the new regulations and continue to use the old format. However, by switching to the new labels, online retailers can reduce costs and consistently comply with regulations.


Changes from 2025:

In addition, it is emphasized that the labels must be clear and conspicuous in order to avoid misunderstandings. The colors and symbols must be clearly visible and comply with internationally recognized standards. From 2025, this regulation will also be extended to sodium-ion batteries, which are increasingly being used as an environmentally friendly alternative to lithium-ion batteries. This means that these batteries must also be labeled accordingly.

For companies working with e-cigarettes and other products, it is crucial to pay attention to the specific requirements for labeling liquids. These can also be classified as dangerous due to their chemical composition and are therefore subject to the same strict labeling regulations.

BOXLAB Services:

Your solution for hazardous goods labeling

BOXLAB Services provides you with all the necessary dangerous goods labels – from quantity 1. This way, you can ensure that your products always comply with current regulations without accumulating unnecessary storage costs or excess materials.

To stay up to date and ensure the safety of your products, it is important to understand current regulations and use the correct markings. For further information and the official information sheet from the Federal/State Working Group on Chemical Safety (BLAC), you can find here .

Kennzeichen ADR Sondervorschrift 188, UN3481, 100x100mm, 1 Stk pro Blatt
4in1 MultiMark Gefahrzettel, individualisiert, 297x148mm, 2 Stk je Blatt
Gefahrgutetikett "GHS Etikett" gem. ADR, RID, IATA, IMDG Code
GHS Etikett 105x74mm, 8 Etiketten je Blatt
Gefahrzettel Rolle
3in1 MultiMark Gefahrzettel, individualisiert, linksrotiert, 148x105mm, 4 Stk je Blatt
ADR Kennzeichen, elektronisches Beförderungspapier, 250x250mm, 1 Stk je Blatt
Norm DIN EN ISO 7010 die europaweit einheitlicher Standard für die Sicherheitskennzeichnung ist
BOXLAB Warntafeln
BOXLAB Placards
BOXLAB Technische Namen
Tankcontainer / Container Etikett, Stapler, 295x200mm, 1 Stk pro Blatt

Why labeling is so important

Labeling plays a central role in the transport of hazardous goods. It informs the parties involved – be it the warehouse staff, the transport service providers or the emergency services – about the type of substance and the associated risks.

The labeling must be clear, clearly visible and, above all, complete. This includes

Warntafel 33 / 1090 Aceton

Orange warning signs:
These signs show the UN number and hazard number. Our warning signs have been specially developed for the safe labeling of dangerous goods in accordance with ADR, RID, IATA and IMDG Code

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Placards: Die Farbe und Nummer des Großzettels kennzeichnet in der Regel dabei die Gefahrgutklasse. In diesem Format stellen wir auch das Zusatzkennzeichen für erwärmte Stoffe bereit.

The color and number of the placard usually indicates the dangerous goods class. We also provide the additional label for heated substances in this format.

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Gefahrzettel: Diese Aufkleber zeigen die Gefahrenklassen und Unterklasse des eigentlichen Versandstücks an.

Hazard labels:
These labels indicate the hazard classes and subclasses of the actual package.

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Technical names:
Provide clear identification of hazardous substances in accordance with the latest IMDG Code 2023 regulations.

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The correct classification

The correct classification of substances for transport, especially in the context of dangerous goods transport, requires special knowledge and experience in the area of ​​dangerous goods regulations. There are various experts and resources that can help classify substances:

  • Dangerous goods officers: Many companies that transport dangerous goods have specially trained dangerous goods officers. These people are responsible for the safe handling, labeling and documentation of dangerous goods.
  • Dangerous goods consultants: External dangerous goods consultants are professionals who can support companies in the proper classification, labeling and documentation of dangerous goods. They have specialist knowledge of the applicable regulations and can help with the classification of substances.
  • Authorities and regulatory bodies: The responsible national and international authorities and regulatory bodies, such as the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility (BALM) in Germany or the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), provide guidelines and Regulations for the transport of dangerous goods. You can also answer questions about the classification of substances.
  • Databases and Resources: There are databases and resources that provide information on various hazardous substances and their classification according to international regulations. These can be used as reference works.
  • Training and seminars: Participating in training and seminars on the transport of dangerous goods can help companies and individuals acquire the knowledge necessary to correctly classify substances.

It is important to consult relevant national and international regulations and guidelines and to always consult experts if you are uncertain or have questions to ensure that dangerous goods are transported safely and lawfully. The classification of substances is crucial in order to avoid accidents and hazards.


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Um den neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, ist es entscheidend, sich rechtzeitig über die Änderungen zu informieren und die entsprechenden Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. BOXLAB Services bietet Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Gefahrgutkennzeichnungen, damit Sie den Überblick behalten und rechtlich auf der sicheren Seite sind. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um mehr über unsere Produkte zu erfahren!
