FAST. SUSTAINABLE. EASy. Sustainability in focus
Since the beginning of BOXLAB Services, sustainability has been at the core of the company’s activities. BOXLAB Services tries to make a significant contribution to environmental protection by consistently focusing on sustainability and climate protection in every internal process step as well as in the products and services.
We do this in various ways.

BOXLAB Services freut sich, bekannt zu geben, dass das Unternehmen im ersten Jahr der Teilnahme an der renommierten Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von EcoVadis direkt den begehrten Gold-Status erreicht hat. EcoVadis, einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen für Unternehmen, würdigt damit das herausragende Engagement von BOXLAB Services für eine nachhaltige Geschäftspraxis. Die Auszeichnung hebt die Anerkennung der globalen Gemeinschaft für die Bemühungen von BOXLAB Services im Bereich Umweltschutz, soziale Verantwortung und unternehmerische Governance (ESG) hervor.

Services save the products from disposal.
During its time at the Chemovator, BOXLAB Services was able to save more than 50,000 liters of end product from downtime or disposal through replacement deliveries of labeled cardboard boxes alone. In addition, over the next two years, other services were established that massively reduced waste and disposal costs. These include our reusable shipping boxes as well as the return and targeted recycling of label carrier paper.

Introduction of sustainable processes
At BOXLAB Services, we always think sustainability in cycles and across the entire process, which is why we implemented reusable shipping boxes for our placards into our logistics process early on. These can be returned to us and reused. As a result, some of the cartons make it to over 10 tours. In addition, we strive to return components of lower products to us or to the manufacturer in order to recycle them properly. We do this, for example, with backing paper for our labels.

regional suppliers and electromobility
BOXLAB Services attaches great importance to a sustainable supply chain. We do this not least to avoid long transport routes and the associated CO2 emissions as far as possible. Therefore, we source all our labels from Germany, if possible from producers in the immediate vicinity. For this reason, we also personally deliver to customers who are located in our immediate vicinity with our emission-free electric car.

We are pleased naturally.
In our first year as an independent company, we celebrated our Christmas in the spirit of sustainability. Instead of sending culinary gift boxes to our partners, we donated the equivalent value of a typical gift box to PLANT-MY-TREE®. This enabled us to plant 100 trees in Rhineland-Palatinate this year. We are delighted with this success and the positive feedback it has received and are therefore planning to use similar situations in future as an opportunity to do something meaningful for our environment or the community.

BOXLAB Services took part in the renowned EcoVadis sustainability ranking for the first time and was immediately awarded the coveted Gold status. This success places BOXLAB Services among the top 5 percent of companies in this industry worldwide with outstanding performance in the areas of environment, employee rights, ethics and procurement.

Die erstmalige Teilnahme von BOXLAB Services und die sofortige Vergabe des Gold-Status 2023 durch EcoVadis bestätigen das Engagement des Unternehmens für nachhaltige Geschäftspraktiken. Durch den Fokus auf Umweltschutz, Arbeitnehmerrechte und ethische Standards setzt BOXLAB Services innovative Maßstäbe für nachhaltiges Unternehmertum.