
June 8, 2022


Company, Events,

BOXLAB Services 9-Euro Ticket Sustainability Cup 2022Who gets to work in the most climate-friendly way?

At BOXLAB Services, sustainability is a part us. Not only have we geared our services towards achieving more sustainable results for our customers, we also optimize internal processes. That’s why we also demand and encourage new and innovative ideas from our employees. In the course of introducing the 9-euro ticket, the idea therefore developed to use this incentive and also to make the commute to work of individual employees as CO2-saving as possible.

We therefore did not hesitate for long and decided to provide each employee with the 9-Euro-Ticket free of charge for the scheduled 3 months.

BOXLAB Services 9-Euro-Ticket Nachhaltigkeitscup 2022
Competition revives business

Our incentive - the Sustainability Cup 2022

As motivated as we are to make our daily lives as sustainable as possible, we are also realistic. We know that the car can be too tempting in the morning when it’s raining or when you overhear the first two alarm clocks. That’s why we are organizing the BOXLAB Sustainability Cup 2022 during the period of validity of the 9-euro ticket.

For this purpose, each employee enters in a calendar in the morning which means of transport he or she used to get to work that day. At the end of the day, the costs are calculated as a percentage of attendance in order to create comparable conditions.

From car to bicycle

The rules

CO2 Neutral!

Very good and it does not get better! Healthy for you and the environment. If you continue like this, you have real chances to win first place! 👌

CO2 Reduced!

You use your 9-Euro-Ticket and leave your car behind? That makes us very happy! You are actively contributing to a better climate balance! 👍

After all, on the spot!

A little fun. We know that for some of us, it’s just not possible to give up the car. If you could, you would! ✌️

The incentive

Prizes worth up to 50,-€

To heighten the excitement, we are still keeping a bit quiet about the exact prices. But we can reveal one thing: No one will go away empty-handed! And there are great prizes worth up to 50, – €.

As soon as we announce the prizes, we will of course announce this publicly – together with an up-to-date interim result and reports on our experiences. After all, all employees are logically allowed to use the 9-Euro-Ticket privately to the „fullest“.


We are looking forward to the next three months with our 9-Euro-Tickets!