Fireworks and pyrotechnicsPotential hazards and the corresponding labeling
Commercial fireworks

Classification according to ADR

Danger emanates from all explosive substances and objects, so the transport of commercially available fireworks at the end of the year also falls under dangerous goods transport. Here, a clear classification and distinction is made within the product group.

According to the ADR and the Dangerous Goods Regulations for Road, Rail and Inland Navigation (GGVSEB), fireworks are to be classified in Class 1; additionally, within the class, they are divided into compatibility groups and UN numbers also contribute to the specification.

The explosives law classifies the „pyrotechnic articles“, whereby the classification according to the explosives ordinance and the dangerous goods law cannot be unambiguously combined and therefore the products must be tested individually.

However, there is a general guideline and assignment, so the following three combinations are most commonly spoken of:


Hazardous goods law vs. explosives law

Class 1.3 – UN number 0335 – Compatibility group G

Class 1.4 – UN number 0336 – Compatibility group G

Class 1.4 – UN number 0337 – Compatibility group S

Class III / F3 and Class II / F2 Category 1 to 3

Class II / F2 and Class I / F1 Category 1 and 2

Class I / F1 Category 1

It should be noted here that the classification should not be carried out by the relevant forwarder or carrier. The manufacturer or importer itself is responsible for this.

The categories are defined as follows:

Category 1: Fireworks with a low hazard, negligible sound level, use in enclosed areas and inside residential buildings.

Category 2: Fireworks with a low hazard, low sound level, use in confined areas outdoors.

Category 3: Fireworks with a medium hazard, sound level does not endanger human health, use in wide open areas outdoors.

It should be noted that the dangers should generally not be underestimated, even if according to the classification only a low danger emanates from the respective object.

Packaging and labeling

Packaging is also subject to guidelines that state that normal and foreseeable transport stresses must be withstood. Stable inner packaging is required and the outer packaging must be tested. Here, the packaging is divided into different groups and respective hazard labels must be visibly attached on the outside to comply with the correct labeling. The corresponding UN number, as well as the official product designation are also affixed, at least in German, English or French.

Accompanying documents

As with any transport of dangerous goods, ADR transport documents must be carried, providing information on the UN number, official designation, class/classification code and, if applicable, a tunnel restriction code. In addition, the number and description of the packages, the net explosive mass, and the names and addresses of the consignor and consignee are listed.

Equip properly now!


Produktinformationen "Placard Kl. 1.3G, 250x250mm, 1 Stk pro Blatt" Gefahrgutetikett "Großzettel" gem. ADR, RID, IATA, IMDG Code

Placard Kl. 1.3 G


Jetzt bestellen
  • Gültigkeit gem. ADR, IATA, IMDG, RID
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 250x250mm
  • Stark haftender Klebstoff
  • Verfügbar als Blattware
  • Abziehlasche für einfaches Anbringen


Produktinformationen "Gefahrzettel Kl. 1.4 S, 100x100mm, 1 Stk pro Blatt" Gefahrgutetikett "Gefahrzettel" gem. ADR, RID, IATA, IMDG Code

Gefahrzettel Kl. 1.4 S


Jetzt bestellen!
  • Gültigkeit gem. ADR, IATA, IMDG, RID
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 100x100mm
  • Schwarze Konturlinie
  • Stark haftender Klebstoff
  • Verfügbar als Blattware oder Rolle


Gefahrgutetikett - Orange Warntafel UN Nummer 0335

Warntafel 0335


Jetzt bestellen
  • Gültigkeit gem. ADR, IATA, IMDG, RID
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 400x300mm
  • Stark haftender Klebstoff
  • Verfügbar als Blattware
  • Auf Anfrage auch als halbe Warntafel


Gefahrgutetikett - UN Nummer 0335

UN 0335 weiß


Jetzt bestellen!
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 105x74mm
  • Schwarze Konturlinie 15mm
  • Stark haftender Klebstoff
  • Verfügbar als Blattware


Produktinformationen "GHS01, Unstabil, Explosionsgefahr, 50x50mm, 50 Stk je Rolle in Spenderbox" Gefahrgutetikett "GHS Etikett" gem. ADR, RID, IATA, IMDG Code

GHS Etikett, 50 Stk


Jetzt bestellen!
  • Gültigkeit gem. ADR, IATA, IMDG, RID
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 50x50mm
  • Stark haftender Klebstoff
  • Verfügbar in praktischer Spenderbox


Produktinformationen "ISO EN 7010, Warnzeichen, W002 Explosionsgefährliche Stoffe, 250x250mm, 1 Stk pro Blatt" Unsere Warnzeichen gemäß ISO EN 7010 sind eine unverzichtbare Sicherheitsmaßnahme in jedem Unternehmen, um potenzielle Gefahren zu kennzeichnen und Mitarbeiter sowie Besucher zu schützen. Die Zeichen entsprechen den aktuellen EU-Richtlinien und erfüllen höchste Qualitätsstandards.



Jetzt bestellen
  • Gültigkeit gem. ADR, IATA, IMDG, RID
  • Zertifizierung gem. BS 5609 Sektion III
  • Standardformat 250x250mm
  • Verfügbar als Blattware
  • Abziehlasche für einfaches Anbringen
Your contact persons:

Do you have questions about the new store, registration, our products or billing?

Contact for products

Mischa Feig

+49 174 3199 452

Contact person for orders

Lisa Ruffing

+49 152 5491 2231

Contact person for online shop

Philip Kanwischer

+49 151 5118 1446

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